Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Wednesday Actions: Reject Anti-Choice Judicial Nominee and More

****Actions 4/1/2020****


Call Your Senators: Tell them to REJECT Trump’s extreme judicial nominees:
[Adapted From Planned Parenthood] Trump is still pushing through anti-choice judicial nominees. Cory Wilson supports the “complete and immediate” reversal of Roe v. Wade. He is also an ideological firebrand whose record shows he is more suited to serve as a Fox News commentator than federal judge.  In recent op-eds, he has railed against LGBTQ rights, access to health care, voting rights, and common-sense gun safety laws.


Hi, my name is __________ and I live in __________. I’m calling to urge Sen. ____________ to reject Cory Wilson — one of Trump's extreme nominees who can't be trusted to protect our health and rights, including safe, legal abortion. 77 percent of Americans who believe that Roe v. Wade should be upheld and that our constitutional right to abortion should be protected in this country. Thank you for your time.



Medicaid Expansion:
Keep working on this one. We are now seeing the destructive impact of the NC GOP’s refusal to expand Medicaid. Because the NC GOP stubbornly refuses to allow the Affordable Care Act to work like it should, thousands of North Carolina residents have been unable to get health coverage. This will potentially have a huge impact when it comes to providing treatment for people with the Coronavirus. But it also impacts us in other ways. Vidant Health, in Greenville, was forced to lay off nearly 200 employees because of budget shortfalls due to people receiving treatment but being unable to pay their bills.

As G.K. Butterfield explains it, “Rural hospitals operate on razor thin margins and often do not have the capacity to absorb these costs. Studies have found that when states expand Medicaid uninsured rates for low-income adults decline drastically, which reduces uncompensated care and gives lifelines to rural hospitals. The General Assembly’s decision not to expand Medicaid has not only harmed patient access to care and the overall health care system of eastern North Carolina, but the economy as well.” With so many people facing financial difficulties, now is the time to remind our lawmakers that expanding Medicaid would not only save lives but also would protect jobs in rural communities. This call is most urgent if you have a GOP rep, as most Democrats already support it.


Hello, I am a constituent calling from ____________ to urge Rep./Sen. ______________ to support Medicaid expansion. We are facing a massive, costly public health crisis, and we need to provide people with the health coverage they need for this kind of emergency. In fact, 400,000 people would be able to get health insurance. The layoffs by Vidant Health also show that rural communities continue to suffer because of the refusal to expand Medicaid.

State Contact Numbers:
NC House: http://bit.ly/2CVneDK
NC Senate: http://bit.ly/2DamgAn



Register to Vote Online:
The State Board of Elections has opened up online voter registration. You can follow the link below to their website where you can register to vote or change your registration if you have moved.  You can also follow the tweet below to thank the SBOE and maybe gently nudge them to allow statewide vote-by-mail for the 2020 election.




Help Flip the NCGA:
Since we’re all social distancing, that means we need to rethink some of our campaign strategies, but it’s absolutely crucial that we flip at least one chamber in the state legislature so that Democrats have a seat at the table when districts are redrawn for the 2020s. Neighbors on Call has targeted three seats that are crucial to winning in 2020. Nicole Quick (NC HD 59) and Ricky Hurtado (NC HD 63) are trying to flip seats currently held by the GOP. And Sydney Batch (NC HD 37) is trying to protect a vulnerable house seat. They are all outstanding public servants and deserve our support.


You should also follow them on social media:
Nicole Quick for NC HD 59
Twitter: @QuickforNC Instagram: QuickforNC

Ricky Hurtado for NC HD 63
Twitter: @rickyhurtadonc Instagram: rickyhurtadonc

Rep. Sydney Batch (NC HD 37)
Twitter: @friendsforbatch Instagram: friendsforbatch

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