Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Thursday Actions: Obamacare, Voting Rights, and More

****Actions 4/2/2020****


Reopen Obamacare Enrollments:
The Trump administration has decided against reopening Obamacare enrollment to uninsured Americans during the coronavirus pandemic, defying calls from health insurers and Democrats to create a special sign-up window amid the health crisis. When asked about this, Mike Pence falsely claimed that people could just enroll in Medicaid, but as we know in North Carolina, that’s not always the case. Preventing people from enrolling in health insurance is cruel. It could prevent people from seeing a doctor if they have symptoms of the coronavirus. This is especially dangerous when millions of Americans are newly unemployed and possibly cut off from their health benefits at work.


Hello, I am a constituent from zip code  _____________ calling to urge Rep./Sen. ______________ to call for Trump to re-open the Obamacare enrollment window to uninsured Americans during the coronavirus pandemic. Pence claimed falsely that people without insurance could simply enroll in Medicaid, but as we know in North Carolina, that simply is not true. People need options to get health insurance, and opening up enrollment into Obamacare could go a long way toward resolving that. Thank you.

Federal Contact Numbers:
Thom Tillis: DC: (202) 224-6342
Richard Burr DC: (202) 224-3154
Tim Scott (SC): Washington, DC: 202-224-6121
Lindsey Graham (SC): Washington, DC: 202-224-5972

.@SenatorBurr and @SenThomTillis, despite what Pence said, North Carolina does not have Medicaid expansion. We should expand Medicaid or at a minimum reopen enrollment in Obamacare to help deal with the coronavirus.


Voting Rights:
The North Carolina State Board of Elections is working on policies that would make it easier to vote in November in the event of an emergency, including continued challenges caused by the coronavirus. Not surprisingly, the NC GOP opposes many of these changes. Among the changes advocated by the SBOE: (1) making it easier to vote by mail, (2) making Election Day a state holiday, and (3) sending out mail-in ballots to all registered voters, and (4) putting pre-paid postage on return envelopes for ballots. All of these steps would help to ensure that everyone in NC has the ability to cast a ballot in November. Tell your state lawmakers to endorse these ideas.


Hello, I am a constituent from ____________ calling to urge Rep./Sen. _____________ to support recommendations made by the North Carolina Board of Elections to make it easier to vote by mail because of the coronavirus pandemic. Specifically, we should ease restrictions on voting by mail, put pre-paid postage on return envelopes for ballots, and make election day a state holiday. Making Election Day a state holiday is crucial because it would encourage more people to volunteer at polling places and would protect elderly volunteers who are more vulnerable to coronavirus. Thank you.

State Contact Numbers:
NC House:
NC Senate:
Governor: Phone: (919) 814-2000

The #NCGA needs to make it easier to vote by mail in November because of the coronavirus. We should ease restrictions on voting by mail, put pre-paid postage on return envelopes for ballots, and make election day a state holiday. #NCPOL



Register to Vote Online:
The State Board of Elections has opened up online voter registration. You can follow the link below to their website where you can register to vote or change your registration if you have moved.  You can also follow the tweet below to thank the SBOE and maybe gently nudge them to allow statewide vote-by-mail for the 2020 election.


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