Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Wednesday Actions: Protect People from the Coronavirus

****Actions 3/11/2020****

Help Americans Deal with the Coronavirus:
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer have released a robust statement calling on Donald Trump to support policies that would help vulnerable citizens deal with the effects of the coronavirus. They’ve listed a few policies that should seem like a bare minimum for supporting our citizens in a time of crisis. 

- Paid sick leave
- Enhanced unemployment insurance
- Food security
- Protections for frontline workers
- Widespread, free coronavirus testing
- Affordable treatment for all
- Anti-price gouging protections
- Increase medical system capacity


Hello, I am a constituent calling from ______________ to urge Rep./Sen. _______________ to support policies that would help people deal with the coronavirus. We need to provide people with paid sick leave, enhanced unemployment insurance, enhanced food security, and free testing for the virus. These policies will make our communities safer and healthier. This is also an opportunity to increase medical system capacity. We need to act quickly and decisively to ensure that our response to the coronavirus is adequate. Thank you.

Federal Contact Numbers:
Thom Tillis: DC: (202) 224-6342
Richard Burr DC: (202) 224-3154
Tim Scott (SC): Washington, DC: 202-224-6121
Lindsey Graham (SC): Washington, DC: 202-224-5972



Get Involved in a Campaign:
The North Carolina primaries are over, and with a few exceptions, we know who our candidates are. Obviously the Presidential primary is over, and there are a couple of statewide races that still haven’t been called, BUT we do know that we need to work towards winning some elections. Swing Left has called North Carolina a “super state” because we not only are a swing state for the Presidency but we also have Governor and Senate races, at least two competitive House races, and a state legislature to flip. For now, I’m going to start tracking a few ways that you can get involved in a local race. Remember that one of the most powerful things you can do going forward is to phone bank or canvas for a candidate or two of your choice. I’d also encourage you to get involved in voter registration efforts, if that’s your preference. 

Swing Left:
Swing Left has highlighted eight state senate races and twenty state house races that will be absolutely crucial in lipping at least one chamber of the NCGA. Remember that Congressional and state legislative districts will be redrawn after the 2020 elections, and we will have to live with those districts for another decade. Another ten years of GOP rule will put us further behind when it comes to climate change, women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, education, and so many other issues. Here is a link to Swing Left’s NC page where you can get involved: https://swingleft.org/p/north-carolina


Flip NC:
Flip NC played a huge role in helping to break the GOP supermajorities. They canvassed relentlessly in several key races, including my house and senate districts, where Sydney Batch and Sam DSearcy flipped previously GOP seats. They just launched their 2020 campaign, and they are ready to do some heavy-duty canvassing this year: https://flipnc.org/


Stamp NC Blue:
Stamp NC Blue is an all-purpose activist group that focuses largely on sending out postcards to voters to encourage them to vote blue in the upcoming elections. If door-to-door canvassing isn’t your thing, then sending out postcards is another way you can contribute: https://www.stampncblue.org/


Here is your weekly activism calendar courtesy of NC Wins: 

Note: If you have events, please share them on the NC Wins website.

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