Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Wednesday Actions

****Actions 11/6/2019****


2020 Starts Now:
Many of us have been preparing for the 2020 elections since 2016, but now we are in the final leg of the race. It’s time to roll back Trumpism permanently. And that includes winning the Senate so that our future Democratic President can nominate judges and pass progressive legislation. We have many reasons to be inspired tonight. Democrat Andy Beshear knocked off a terrible GOP governor. The Virginia House of Delegates and Senate flipped from red to blue. Even the woman who flipped off Trump’s motorcade won (remember her?). All of these races will make incremental differences in people’s lives, and it’s the work of people like you that made that happen! So, now that means you--yes, you--need to donate, campaign, phone bank, text bank, canvass, and do all the stuff that makes democracy happen. Here are a few things you can do:

Seeing Democrats win the Governor’s race shows us that Moscow Mitch McConnell is vulnerable, so let’s send his Democratic opponent, Amy McGrath, some love:

We have three outstanding Senate candidates here in North Carolina ready to unseat One Term Thom, aka Flip Flop Thom. I’m not going to endorse (and y’all are welcome to have that conversation), but you can support Cal Cunningham, Trevor Fuller, or Erica Smith.

I’ll try to keep reminding y’all about down-ballot races, too. We’re still waiting for Congressional districts to redrawn (more on that below). We have an NCGA chamber (or two) to flip, a Governor’s seat to hold, and more. Sleep in tomorrow, but after tonight, let’s gear up because it’s go time!


Push Tillis to Defend His Support of Trump:
Trump is rewarding Senators who have his back on impeachment by fundraising for him. In just the last few days, Trump raised over $100,000 for Tillis’s re-election. Let’s remind Tillis that Trump ought to be impeached and call him out for taking money from his GOP crime boss.


Hello, I am a constituent from __________ calling to demand that Senator Tillis explain his support of Trump. It is becoming increasingly clear that Trump has been running the Presidency like a mob boss. More evidence is showing that Trump threatened to withhold foreign aid from the Ukraine unless they investigated Trump’s political opponent. Do you really want our foreign policy to be conducted this way? It’s time to stand up for the rule-of-law and to support impeachment proceedings.


Here are a few other federal actions we can keep pushing:

Pass a Federal Revenge Porn Law:
California Rep. Katie Hill resigned from Congress earlier this week, and a once-promising political career has been derailed, in large part because a malicious ex chose to publicly humiliate her by providing naked photos to a right-wing propaganda site. Hill didn’t deserve to be treated this way. We know that women, people of color, and members of the LGBTQ community are far more likely to be victimized by revenge porn. The most prominent revenge porn bill on Capitol Hill — the Stopping Harmful Image Exploitation and Limiting Distribution (SHIELD) Act — would establish federal criminal liability for individuals who share private, sexually explicit or nude images without the consent of those photographed. While 46 states have revenge porn laws, we need a federal law because jurisdiction is often fuzzy. Questions come up like where the film was uploaded, where it was taken, and so on, all of which make prosecution more complicated. This is a form of violence, usually directed towards women or LGBTQ individuals, and it needs to be stopped. Period. We need a federal law.


Hello, I am a constituent calling from ____________ to urge Rep./Sen. ______________ to pass the Stopping Harmful Image Exploitation and Limiting Distribution, or SHIELD, Act. We need a federal law banning revenge porn. A patchwork of local laws is not sufficient, and it makes it much more difficult to prosecute. Revenge porn is a form of violence, and it needs to be stopped. Red State should have been punished for publishing the images of Katie Hill, and we need stiffer laws and stronger enforcement to prevent something like this from happening again. 

Federal Contact Numbers:
Thom Tillis: DC: (202) 224-6342
Richard Burr DC: (202) 224-3154
Tim Scott (SC): Washington, DC: 202-224-6121
Lindsey Graham (SC): Washington, DC: 202-224-5972


Oppose the Refugee Ban:
The Trump-GOP is once again attacking the rights of refugees and other migrants. The Trump Administration announced it would set a refugee cap of 18,000 people for the fiscal year, which is an incredibly small number, and the order would also allow states to ban resettlement. They have also not allowed a single refugee into the United States in the month of October. These changes to US refugee policy are “tantamount to destroying the program,” according to experts, as the amount of people displaced worldwide continues to grow. Let’s do what we can to stand up for the rights of refugees to seek asylum in our country.


Hello, my name is _____________ and I am a constituent from ______________ calling to urge Rep./Sen. ______________ to oppose Trump’s attempts to shut down our refugee program. It is a travesty that Trump will only allow 18,000 refugees into our country this year. Worse, no refugees have been admitted into the United States in the entire month of October. These refugees are often fleeing completely inhumane conditions in their country. We need to welcome them into our country.

Federal Contact Numbers:
Thom Tillis: DC: (202) 224-6342
Richard Burr DC: (202) 224-3154
Tim Scott (SC): Washington, DC: 202-224-6121
Lindsey Graham (SC): Washington, DC: 202-224-5972



Hearings on Congressional Redistricting:
Our Congressional districts are being redrawn, and you might be shocked--shocked--to learn that the NCGOP is pulling some of the same shenanigans they have been pulling for the last decade. They are using a court ruling that endorsed compactness as a criterion for drawing districts, which is great, BUT compactness has been used to draw maps that are racially gerrymandered. They have also decided to take into account the residences of current Congressional reps, which would be a problem anyway (why should incumbents get special treatment?), BUT it’s exacerbated by the fact that we currently have 11 Republican and 3 Democratic incumbents. The redistricting committee will start back Wednesday morning at 10 AM, so if you are available, please show up and make our presence felt. Let the GOP know that we are watching them and will hold them accountable if they try to waste our time with unconstitutional maps. There apparently will be a period for public comment, probably on Tuesday, November 12. I’ll keep y’all posted about that.




Here is your weekly activism calendar courtesy of NC Wins: 

Note: If you have events, please share them on the NC Wins website.


We have a blog!
For those of you weaning yourself off of Facebook, you can use our blog to access all of our actions:

Let’s dominate 2020!

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