Thursday, November 7, 2019

Friday Actions: Bad Judges, Bad Maps, and More

****Actions 11/8/2019****


Keep Fighting on Menashi:
Steven Menashi’s nomination got out of the Judiciary Committee on Thursday, and now the only thing that stand between the 40-year old and a lifetime appointment to the Federal Bench is a full Senate vote (which means he could be a federal judge until 2065). Sen. Susan Collins  (R-Waffleland) reportedly thinks he is icky, but we need several other GOP Senators to come out against him to ensure that he does not get appointed. Slate has an incredibly detailed of Menashi’s history of sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, and even white nationalist views. He would also be a walking conflict of interest, appointed to a court where Trump now faces several pending lawsuits. I’m so sure--so sure--he would recuse himself on those, right? Menashi really is pretty toxic, and moderate Senators might not want to carry that baggage during the 2020 elections, so let’s keep the pressure up. Tillis supported Menashi in the Judiciary Committee. Let’s make him own that vote.


Tillis Script:
Hi, I am a constituent from __________ calling to ask why Senator Tillis voted to advance the nomination of Steven Menashi to the U.S. Court of Appeals. Menashi has a history of racist, sexist, and homophobic views that should disqualify him from a lifetime seat on the federal bench. He can’t be trusted to make impartial rulings. Tillis needs to vote against Menashi when the full Senate votes on his nomination.

Other Senators Script:
Hi, I am a constituent from __________ calling to urge Sen. ___________ to vote against the nomination of Steven Menashi to the U.S. Court of Appeals. Menashi has a history of racist, sexist, and homophobic views that should disqualify him from a lifetime seat on the federal bench. He can’t be trusted to make impartial rulings. Sen. _________ needs to vote against Menashi when the full Senate votes on his nomination.

Federal Contact Numbers:
Thom Tillis: DC: (202) 224-6342
Richard Burr DC: (202) 224-3154
Tim Scott (SC): Washington, DC: 202-224-6121
Lindsey Graham (SC): Washington, DC: 202-224-5972


Oppose the Refugee Ban:
The Trump-GOP is once again attacking the rights of refugees and other migrants. The Trump Administration announced it would set a refugee cap of 18,000 people for the fiscal year, which is an incredibly small number, and the order would also allow states to ban resettlement. They have also not allowed a single refugee into the United States in the month of October. These changes to US refugee policy are “tantamount to destroying the program,” according to experts, as the amount of people displaced worldwide continues to grow. Let’s do what we can to stand up for the rights of refugees to seek asylum in our country.


Hello, my name is _____________ and I am a constituent from ______________ calling to urge Rep./Sen. ______________ to oppose Trump’s attempts to shut down our refugee program. It is a travesty that Trump will only allow 18,000 refugees into our country this year. Worse, no refugees have been admitted into the United States in the entire month of October. These refugees are often fleeing completely inhumane conditions in their country. We need to welcome them into our country.

Federal Contact Numbers:
Thom Tillis: DC: (202) 224-6342
Richard Burr DC: (202) 224-3154
Tim Scott (SC): Washington, DC: 202-224-6121
Lindsey Graham (SC): Washington, DC: 202-224-5972



The Maps are Still Terrible:
The NC GOP continues AGAIN to draw maps that are partisan and arguably racial gerrymanders. You can draw up committee maps from the NCGA website. Some of them have maps containing districts that link southwest EWake County to Charlotte. Several cut out a narrow strip of land linking southern Mecklenberg to a district that travels along the NC border basically to Fayetteville to kee Bishop in his gerrymandered district.There are several maps where borders literally seem to have been drawn around incumbents’ houses. Pitt County, where Greenville is located, is divided in half in almost every map, to pack the county’s black population into a single district or, in some cases, to divide their voting power by carefully splitting them. We can’t change the fact--yet--that lawmakers should not be allowed to draw their own districts, but we can tell the NCGA that their map-making process is undemocratic. If you haven’t commented yet, please do so. Then, work your tails off to make sure the people who’ve designed these maps don’t get reelected in November.

Maps and other Data: 

Comment Portal:

Spread the Word about Voter ID:
As you no doubt know, North Carolina voters will be required to show ID when they vote in the 2020 elections. There is a LOT of confusion about what IDs will count, and even some inconsistencies for certain institutions. From what I can glean, some school IDs will allow students to vote, some will allow employees to vote, and some will allow both students and employees to vote using school-issued IDs. For Fayetteville State, for example, student IDs won’t be considered valid, but employee IDs will. This is sure to sow chaos and confusion (which, of course, is the point). Please start spreading the word to all your friends, especially college students and people who may not have a driver’s license or passport and tell them to make sure they have proper ID when they vote in the general elections in 2020.

Voter ID Info:

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