Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Thursday Actions: Defund ICE, Oppose Menashi, and More


Just a quick note on impeachment: Obviously the hearings are going to grab the headlines and attract endless hours of media attention. We can and should call out our lawmakers if the defend Trump’s abuses of power. But we also need to remember that Trump is engaging in all kinds of destructive, immoral actions that will do great harm to people, so I’ll try to focus on including actions that go beyond impeachment.

Tell Your Representative to Defund Hate:
[From Indivisible National] The biggest fight on immigration this year will be over funding. While Democratic control of the House has given us a firewall against some of the worst Republican attacks, Trump’s attacks against immigrants continue. He shut down the government for over a month in an effort to get his hateful wall, and has already requested billions more for ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) and CBP (Customs and Border Patrol) in next year’s budget, “FY20.” He hopes to use the money to pay for his wall, more ICE and CBP agents, and more cages for immigrant families.

The appropriations process is our best chance to act to stop Trump’s deportation machine. The next deadline for Congress to fund the government is November 21. If you care about ending Trump’s racist immigration policies—like separating, caging, and tear gassing families—make a call today and tell your Member of Congress (MoC) to reject special funding increases for ICE and CBP.


Hi, my name is _________ and I'm calling from __________. I'm calling to ask Rep./Sen. _____________  to make sure that ICE and CBP don't receive any increased funding in the short-term funding bill Congress is likely to consider in November. I expect Rep./Sen. _______________ to oppose all requests for increased funding for these agencies—including all "anomalies" for CBP and ICE which we know they will use to expand the immigrant detention system and implement other cruel anti-immigrant policies. Thank you.

Federal Contact Numbers:
Thom Tillis: DC: (202) 224-6342
Richard Burr DC: (202) 224-3154
Tim Scott (SC): Washington, DC: 202-224-6121
Lindsey Graham (SC): Washington, DC: 202-224-5972


Keep Fighting on Menashi:
Steven Menashi’s nomination got out of the Judiciary Committee on Thursday, and now the only thing that stand between the 40-year old and a lifetime appointment to the Federal Bench is a full Senate vote (which means he could be a federal judge until 2065). Sen. Susan Collins  (R-Waffleland) reportedly thinks he is icky, but we need several other GOP Senators to come out against him to ensure that he does not get appointed. Slate has an incredibly detailed of Menashi’s history of sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, and even white nationalist views. He would also be a walking conflict of interest, appointed to a court where Trump now faces several pending lawsuits. I’m so sure--so sure--he would recuse himself on those, right? Menashi really is pretty toxic, and moderate Senators might not want to carry that baggage during the 2020 elections, so let’s keep the pressure up. Tillis supported Menashi in the Judiciary Committee. Let’s make him own that vote.


Tillis Script:
Hi, I am a constituent from __________ calling to ask why Senator Tillis voted to advance the nomination of Steven Menashi to the U.S. Court of Appeals. Menashi has a history of racist, sexist, and homophobic views that should disqualify him from a lifetime seat on the federal bench. He can’t be trusted to make impartial rulings. Tillis needs to vote against Menashi when the full Senate votes on his nomination.

Other Senators Script:
Hi, I am a constituent from __________ calling to urge Sen. ___________ to vote against the nomination of Steven Menashi to the U.S. Court of Appeals. Menashi has a history of racist, sexist, and homophobic views that should disqualify him from a lifetime seat on the federal bench. He can’t be trusted to make impartial rulings. Sen. _________ needs to vote against Menashi when the full Senate votes on his nomination.

Federal Contact Numbers:
Thom Tillis: DC: (202) 224-6342
Richard Burr DC: (202) 224-3154
Tim Scott (SC): Washington, DC: 202-224-6121
Lindsey Graham (SC): Washington, DC: 202-224-5972



Maps, Of Course:
The NC House Redistricting Committee meeting tomorrow (Thursday) at 9am in room 643 of the Legislative Office Building to take up draft congressional maps. Show up and make your presence felt. Call your reps. Do everything you can to stand up for fair maps that actually represent the citizens of our state.

State Contact Numbers:
NC House:
NC Senate:



Defeat Tillis:
There will be tons of groups out there working to make a difference in the 2020 elections. One of those groups is the appropriately named Defeat Tillis. They have an action page that includes writing letters and postcards, donating, and most importantly, canvassing. Defeat Tillis is promoting Flip NC’s planned “Super Canvas” on December 8. This is your chance to make sure that voters are engaged early and that they know what kinds of values Tillis has chosen to embrace (hint: those values are not very good).


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