Sunday, November 3, 2019

Monday Actions

****Actions 11/4/2019****


Swing Left Phone Bank:
Virginia elections are coming up, and several of the key statewide races are very competitive. So, let’s help our neighbors to the north and make some phone calls. . Even 30 min of your time would help. Sign up here to call Virginia voters and help Swing VA left! So much is at stake in VA. If the go majority Dems it could me ratification of the ERA finally and much more. Mad props to Andrea Biondi for making some phone calls this weekend and suggesting this as an action!

Sign Up Link:


Vote, Y’all:
Many of you have municipal elections coming up on November 5. Some of you still have the chance to vote early. I live outside our town limits, so I’m counting on y’all to elect some good people because local elections matter.. Ballotpedia has an election calendar, in case you are unsure whether your own has an election coming up. Word on the street has been that turnout in municipal elections has been really low, so your vote (yes, yours!) could make a huge difference. You might also consider volunteering to poll greet or canvas for your favorite candidates. And if you’re in our groups, and you’re running for something, feel free to leave a shoutout in the comments.

Election Calendar:



Stop Supporting Unqualified Judges:
One of Trump’s worst and most lasting legacies will be stacking the bench with unqualified extremist judges who will be on the federal bench for life, often for up to four or five decades (for perspective: a Carter nominee ruled against Trump in a recent case). In just the last few weeks, two judicial nominees, Sarah Pitlyk and Lawrence VanDyke (both of whom are considered unqualified by the ABA), inched toward confirmation. Tell Tillis and Burr not to support them and to stop voting for unqualified judges.


Hello, I am a constituent from __________ calling to urge Sen. ______________ to stop supporting judicial nominees that are not qualified for the federal bench. In the next few days, two judicial nominees, Sarah Pitlyk and Lawrence Van Dyke, both of whom are considered unqualified by the ABA, will be considered for confirmation. Van Dyke, in particular, has not stated whether he would treat LGBTQ litigants fairly, while Pitlyk received a unanimous rating of “not qualified” by the ABA. Do not support these two nominees.

Federal Contact Numbers:
Thom Tillis: DC: (202) 224-6342
Richard Burr DC: (202) 224-3154
Tim Scott (SC): Washington, DC: 202-224-6121
Lindsey Graham (SC): Washington, DC: 202-224-5972



Stand Up For Abortion Rights in Raleigh:
[From Tara Romano] This Wednesday, November 06, 13 anti-abortion speakers are signed up to demand Raleigh city council close the 2 abortion clinics in Raleigh and make Raleigh a "sanctuary city for the unborn".  Abortion access advocates supported two clinic patient escorts who spoke at the October city council meeting, to share what it was like for patients and staff to be harassed at the clinics.  (of course) Some of the clinic protestors took umbrage at this, so a number of them have signed up this month to complain about how anyone speaking out for abortion access somehow impedes on their First Amendment rights.

There are two pro-choice speakers signed up again to speak - one of the clinic escorts who will share how the protestors have targeted her since she spoke out last time, and a woman who has been moved to share her abortion story with the city council. Please join us at the city council meeting (222. West Hargett Street) if you can on Wednesday evening, to support these speakers, and to show support for abortion access. The public comment portion starts at 7pm, and will probably be fairly long, since 13 anti-abortion folks (x 3 minutes) are speaking, in addition to others (who actually live in Raleigh and have legitimate business to bring to the city council). The pro-choice speakers are at the end of the public comment period.

We will be there early, at 6pm, to grab some seats up front. The anti-abortion folks had huge signs last time, so apparently, that's allowed (it's not really, can  apparently bring a 3' x 3' sign). Bring your supportive signs if you want, and wear pro-choice gear or NARAL Pro-Choice North Carolina purple.

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