Monday, April 27, 2020

Tuesday Actions: Voting Rights, Workers' Right, and More

****Actions 4/28/2020****


Swing Left (Virtual) Letter-Writing Party:
The innovative folks at Swing Left are coming up with new ways to stay involved while we are staying at home. We'll be hand-writing letters to potential North Carolina voters asking them to vote in critical elections to help us transform our government and ensure fair maps for everyone in North Carolina. This proven tactic (3-4x more effective than postcards) will help turn out the vote for Democrats in our 12 Super States!

RSVP here, and we’ll let you know how to join this party online. Invite your friends, too, and let them know that Swing Left is hosting a big, innovative program that can effectively turn out Super State voters from home, using a great letter writing tool from Vote Forward. Volunteers have already written almost 2 million letters! You can download twenty letters using their easy-to-use system.

RSVP Here:


Virtual Phone Bank:
Are you bored and tired of being locked in your house? Are you looking to make in impact in getting out the vote for November 2020. Well look no further!  The Democratic Party is looking for people to phone bank. Right now, the focus is on talking to undecided voters to learn more about where they stand and to ensure that they know that we have an important election coming up.



Workers’ Bill of Rights:
[From Elizabeth Warren] Essential workers are on the frontlines of this pandemic, and many are working in high-risk conditions without appropriate equipment, safety standards, or job protections. These workers put their lives on the line every day, and we must do all we can to protect their health and financial security.

Call your Representative now and demand that the House pass protections for essential workers. The script below can be condensed a little, if you like, but this is more or less directly from the Warren campaign.


My name is _________ calling from zip code ______________. I’m calling today to ask Rep./Sen. ___________  to support Senator Warren and Representative Khanna’s Essential Workers Bill of Rights and provide real protections for essential workers. Frontline workers — our postal workers, nurses, EMTs and health care workers, delivery drivers, restaurant employees, grocery, transit and domestic workers and others — are the backbone of our nation’s response to this crisis. We need an Essential Workers Bill of Rights — and any coronavirus relief package must put workers front and center.

I am calling on you to support protections for essential workers, including (x) universal paid sick leave and family and medical leave. (x) Health and safety protections, including personal protective equipment (PPE) provided by employers at no cost to workers. (x) Protections for collective bargaining agreements & whistleblowers with safety concerns. (x) Health care security to ensure all essential workers get the care they need, regardless of their immigration status. (x) Robust funding to help struggling child care providers during this pandemic and reliable, safe, healthy, and high-quality child care for essential workers.

Federal Contact Numbers:
Thom Tillis: DC: (202) 224-6342
Richard Burr DC: (202) 224-3154
Tim Scott (SC): Washington, DC: 202-224-6121
Lindsey Graham (SC): Washington, DC: 202-224-5972


Support Voting Rights:
[From Common Cause] No one should have to choose between their health and their vote. We must demand that Congress allocate $4 billion in funding for states, and mandate the implementation of reforms nationwide like early voting, postage paid vote-by-mail, and online and same day voter registration. Letters To Editors (or LTEs) can be a powerful tool in educating your community and demonstrating strong support for funding and reforms like early voting and vote by mail. In addition to am LTE, I’d encourage you to call your lawmakers and tell them to support these policies.

The COVID-19 pandemic has made our work for voting reforms all the more urgent. In the next few months, we must make sure that every voter has safe options to vote by mail, early and on election day. Congress passed $400 million in funding for states for elections - but experts estimate it will cost at least $4 billion.


Hello, I am calling from zip code _____________ to urge Rep./Sen. __________ to demand that Congress allocate $4 billion in funding for states, and mandate the implementation of reforms nationwide like early voting, postage paid vote-by-mail, and online and same day voter registration.  In the next few months, we must make sure that every voter has safe options to vote by mail, early and on election day. Congress passed $400 million in funding for states for elections - but experts estimate it will cost at least $4 billion.

Federal Contact Numbers:
Thom Tillis: DC: (202) 224-6342
Richard Burr DC: (202) 224-3154
Tim Scott (SC): Washington, DC: 202-224-6121
Lindsey Graham (SC): Washington, DC: 202-224-5972



Tell Moore and Berger: Put NC Voters' Safety Before Politics:
[From Democracy NC] Recent primary elections held in other states amid the COVID-19 crisis have made it clear: this year's General Election will be different. Recommendations to continue physical distancing this fall, the prospect of a poll worker shortage, and strained local resources all have implications for the ways in which we can take part and be counted.

Given these realities, it's time for NC General Assembly's leaders to join those of other states — and put politics aside by protecting North Carolina voters and our access to the ballot. Lawmakers return to Raleigh on April 28.

ACT NOW: Contact NC House Speaker Tim Moore and Senate President Phil Berger (we've made it easy) and tell them you want them to advance policies this spring that would:

Provide matching funds to access federal election dollars,
Make it easier to register to vote and securely request and cast votes by mail,
Protect in-person voting by addressing the threat of poll staff shortages, and
Make sure these and other vital voter protections are in place for the General Election.
By taking action today, you'll make sure Moore and Berger understand how important it is to North Carolina's voters to be able to safely cast a ballot this fall.

Action Link:

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