Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Wednesday Actions

****Actions 10/30/2019****


Vote, Y’all:
Many of you have municipal elections coming up on November 5. Some of you still have the chance to vote early. I live outside our town limits, so I’m counting on y’all to elect some good people. Ballotpedia has an election calendar, in case you are unsure whether your own has an election coming up. Word on the street has been that turnout in municipal elections has been really low, so your vote (yes, yours!) could make a huge difference. You might also consider volunteering to poll greet or canvas for your favorite candidates. And if you’re in our groups, and you’re running for something, feel free to leave a shoutout in the comments.

Election Calendar:



Call our Burr for his Inconsistency on Taxes:
Today, the NCAA finally recognized the humanity of their student athletes, opening up a pathway for them to profit from their labor. For decades, college athletes have been unable to endorse products or to get royalties from sales related to their name or image. Now players will be able to seek out endorsements. But Senator Burr (R-Extreme Privilege) doesn’t want those students, many of whom are poor or come from minority backgrounds to profit and has threatened to tax their tuition subsidies. For someone who claims to love tax cuts, this is a huge inconsistency. Some might even call it hypocrisy. Let’s call him out.


Hello, I am a constituent calling from _________ to ask why Senator Burr wants to tax student athletes. These athletes spend hours every week working to support the university , and they should be able to seek out endorsements or to profit from their athletic performance. It’s incredibly hypocritical to lower taxes for wealthy people but to raise them for poor students who are seeking out an opportunity to succeed.

Richard Burr DC: (202) 224-3154


Impeach Trump:
We need to keep the pressure on about impeachment. Tillis and Burr both need to know that we will not tolerate the kind of corruption that Trump and his GOP cronies have displayed in their efforts to undermine a political opponent. Also, because our Congressional districts will be redrawn in 2020, our current reps may actually have to respond to their constituents’ concerns.


Hello, I am a constituent from ______________ calling to urge Rep./Sen. _____________ to support the impeachment of Donald Trump. It is becoming increasingly clear that his abuses of power qualify as impeachable offenses. We need to restore the rule of law and Trump has consistently violated the law and is quickly destroying whatever credibility our nation has on the global stage. It’s time to take your oversight responsibility seriously and to support impeachment.

Federal Contact Numbers:
Thom Tillis: DC: (202) 224-6342
Richard Burr DC: (202) 224-3154
Tim Scott (SC): Washington, DC: 202-224-6121
Lindsey Graham (SC): Washington, DC: 202-224-5972
House: https://www.house.gov/representatives/



Senate Budget Veto Override Vote:
The NCGA senate cancelled the vote again on whether or not to override Governor Cooper's budget veto. They didn’t have the votes on Monday, so they tried again on Tuesday, and they didn’t have the votes again, so they’re going to try again Wednesday. Tell your senators to uphold the veto. We need a better budget. They are, once again, pushing corporate tax cuts at the expense of providing teachers with raises. They are continuing to reject Medicaid expansion, despite the fact that it would save taxpayers money. Most, if not all, Democrats are holding strong in upholding the veto. We have a thin margin, though (like 1-2 votes), so we need everyone to hold strong so that the NCGOP will be forced to sit at a table and negotiate. If you can show up and make your presence felt, please do so. The GOP is less likely to try any shenanigans when they know a bunch of us are watching.

[Senate only] Hello, I am a constituent calling from _____________ to urge Sen. ____________ to uphold Governor Cooper’s veto of the Republican budget. Instead of supporting further tax cuts for corporations, we need to fund teacher raises and Medicaid expansion.

State Contact Numbers:
NC House: http://bit.ly/2CVneDK
NC Senate: http://bit.ly/2DamgAn


Ratify the ERA:
While you have your GOP lawmakers on the phone, encourage them to sign off on supporting the Equal Rights Amendment: Senator Erica Smith needs us to contact our Republican Senators in the NCGA! We need 9 more senators to move SB184, EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT by October 31st! #NorthCarolina can become the 38th state to ratify the #ERA! Contact your Republican Senators. All our Democratic reps have expressed support for the ERA. Thursday is the deadline, so they need to act fast.

State Contact Numbers:
NC House: http://bit.ly/2CVneDK
NC Senate: http://bit.ly/2DamgAn



Impeachment Schadenfreude Video:
If you need a little inspiration, watch MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace call John Yoo and Fox News’s Laura Ingraham “chickenshit” live on her 4 PM show.




Here is your weekly activism calendar courtesy of NC Wins:

Note: If you have events, please share them on the NC Wins website.

ITDCTA Has a Blog:
Also, for readers who are looking to leave Facebook, I’ve begun posting actions on a blog. We’ll look into ways of making the blog more interactive (you can leave comments for now), possibly opening it up to allow people to post actions there, if they have them. I’d also like to hear your thoughts about shifting some of our energy to the blog. Blogger is hosted by Google, so that may be an issue for some of you.

Blog link:

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