Monday, February 24, 2020

Tuesday Actions

****Actions 2/25/2020****


I’m not going to use this space to endorse a specific candidate in any race, but I truly believe that it’s beneficial for all of us to be active, involved, and engaged. That includes doing things like canvassing, phone banking, text banking, or sending out postcards and giving voters positive reasons to support your chosen candidates. Being present--in a positive way--models good behavior and a belief in participatory politics. Show your fellow voters that their voice matters. After Super Tuesday, we’ll have a better understanding of who our candidates are (at least at the state level) and what we need to do to come together to ensure that our candidates win.



Oppose Federal Medicaid Spending Caps:
[Adapted from 5 Calls] We are still waiting for North Carolina to expand Medicaid. Meanwhile, at the federal level, Trump is paying for his tax cuts for the wealthy by gutting programs that benefit the poor and disabled. On January 30, the Trump administration announced a new initiative to allow states to set limits on federal funding for Medicaid coverage for non-disabled adults. The federal government currently covers a set percentage of states’ Medicaid costs regardless of total spending. Under the new Trump policy, states could apply for a waiver to receive a limited amount of federal Medicaid funding based on how many nondisabled adults they cover. States that adopt the funding cap will be able to modify their Medicaid benefits to cover fewer prescription drugs and eliminate traditional Medicaid benefits, including long-term care and non-emergency medical transportation. The policy would also let states charge higher Medicaid copays.

The proposed capped funding structure has the potential to increase states’ administrative and cause Medicaid funding shortfalls during economic downturns. Healthcare advocates are concerned the plan could reduce Medicaid patients’ access to both clinical services and prescriptions]. Other critics have questioned whether the Trump administration has legal authority to impose federal spending caps without congressional approval.

Research has shown that Medicaid coverage saves lives and that lack of drug coverage prevents people from taking necessary medications. Urge your representatives oppose the Trump administration's push to impose Medicaid funding caps.


Hi, my name is _________ and I’m a constituent from zip code ____________. I'm calling to urge Rep./Sen. _____________ to oppose the Trump administration's new Medicaid block grant funding option. The plan will block people from necessary care and make it impossible for states to manage Medicaid budgets during periods of economic turmoil. Thank you.

Federal Contact Numbers:
Thom Tillis: DC: (202) 224-6342
Richard Burr DC: (202) 224-3154
Tim Scott (SC): Washington, DC: 202-224-6121
Lindsey Graham (SC): Washington, DC: 202-224-5972


Reject Trump’s New DNI Chief:
Trump announced on Wednesday that he was replacing Joseph Maguire with a vocal loyalist, Richard Grenell, who is the U.S. ambassador to Germany. Maguire had recently warned the intelligence community that Putin wants Trump to win reelection and that Russia would be actively working to make that happen. This is yet another attempt to coverup possible criminal activity by replacing a career professional with an unqualified loyalist. The shake-up at the top of the intelligence community is the latest move in a post-impeachment purge. Trump has instructed aides to identify and remove officials across the government who aren’t defending his interests, and he wants them replaced with loyalists. It's time to take a stand and oppose Trump's continued attempts to eviscerate our intelligence community. Because Trump is appointing Grenell as an acting director, he is dodging the need to get Senate approval, but we can still demand that the Senate speak out against the appointment anyway.


Hello, I am a constituent from zip code __________ calling to urge Sen. _________ to reject Trump’s appointment of Richard Grenell to be the Director of National Intelligence. Grenell is not qualified to hold this position. I’m also concerned that Trump only appointed him because he is punishing the current DNI, Joseph Maguire, who has warned the public that Russia again plans to interfere in a U.S. election on behalf of Trump. It is absolutely alarming that Russia is planning to interfere with our elections. We need to do everythig we can to protect our democratic institutions.

Federal Contact Numbers:
Thom Tillis: DC: (202) 224-6342
Richard Burr DC: (202) 224-3154
Tim Scott (SC): Washington, DC: 202-224-6121
Lindsey Graham (SC): Washington, DC: 202-224-5972

Primary Voting:
Early voting for the March 3rd NC primary election is still happening, despite the cold weather. Let’s start this week off by taking some personal actions to maximize our electoral impact during this season. Early voting ends Saturday, February 29, so make sure you have a clear plan to vote so that your voice is heard.

Confirm your voter registration information, Election Day polling place, and view your sample ballot.

Review the one-stop, early voting sites and times.

Past research indicates that making a “voting plan” can increase turnout in an electorate by almost 4%. Take five minutes to: identify where you will vote; determine when you will vote (day/time); plan for how you will get to the polls; and select those (especially down-ballot) races on the ballot that you might have to research more before heading to the polls.

After researching the races for each elected office, is there a candidate that you feel passionate about supporting outside of giving them your vote? Search for more information about the candidate to see if you can: donate, canvass, poll greet, or make calls to other potential voters.

Identify at least 3 other individuals you know who should go through these five steps. This will help to ensure that we have an epic turnout during the primary and in the general election as well.


Tuesdays with Tillis:
This week’s Tuesdays with Tillis focuses on our climate emergency. We need to support candidates who will do everything in their power to fight back against our looming climate crisis--and we need to remind Senator Tillis that he should take the climate crisis seriously.

As usual, Tuesdays with Tillis will be assembling at 11:30 AM in front of Tillis’s Raleigh office on New Bern Avenue.

Event Page:


Women's Empowerment Summit:
Hosted By: Office For Regional Initiatives at UNC Pembroke. Join us for our Annual Women's Empowerment Summit. We have a great event in the final stages of planning. We will be promoting "OUR VOTE.OUR VOICE"; stay tuned for more details.

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