Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Thursday Actions: Town Hall, Defund Bill Barr, and More

****Actions 2/20/2020****

Attend our Empty Chair Town Hall:
The weather outside looks frightful, but political participation is so delightful. We’re holding another empty chair town hall for Thom Tillis, and as you may know, several candidates, including Erica Smith, Cal Cunningham, Trevor Fuller, and Shannon Bray, have committed to attend.

These events rely on volunteers, and they wouldn’t be possible without the assistance of people like you. Volunteering can be a great way to get to know the candidates a little better, and if we haven’t met, this would also be a great way to get to know some of your fellow members. But if you can’t volunteer, just showing up and asking a question sends a loud message. We’re hoping to have some media presence at the event, so a full room will show everyone that we are ready to make Tillis #OneTermThom.

Sign-Up Genius:

If you haven’t RSVPed for the town hall, we would encourage you to do so. We’d like to be able to show the news media that there will be a huge crowd of people ready to demonstrate that we want our voices to be heard.

Town Hall Link:



Defund William Barr:
[Adapted from Indivisible National] Despite appearances, William Barr is not going to resign. Republicans won’t impeach him. Trump obviously is not going to fire him. But we can find ways to make it more difficult for Barr to play the role of Trump’s personal lawyer. Demand your Representative defund Attorney General Bill Barr. The Attorney General of the United States himself, William Barr, personally intervened to try to score a lighter sentence for Roger Stone, the deeply corrupt former campaign adviser to Donald Trump. The Department of Justice is not a private law firm. The Attorney General is not the president’s personal lawyer. Yet Bill Barr is exploiting his position to run favors for the president. Call your representative, Democrat or Republican, and demand that Congress investigate Bill Barr and defund his office until he recuses himself from any Trump-related investigations or prosecutions.

Federal Contact Numbers:
Thom Tillis: DC: (202) 224-6342
Richard Burr DC: (202) 224-3154
Tim Scott (SC): Washington, DC: 202-224-6121
Lindsey Graham (SC): Washington, DC: 202-224-5972


Primary Voting:
Early voting for the March 3rd NC primary election begins three days from today (i.e. on February 13th). Let’s start this week off by taking some personal actions to maximize our electoral impact during this season.

Confirm your voter registration information, Election Day polling place, and view your sample ballot.

Review the one-stop, early voting sites and times.

Past research indicates that making a “voting plan” can increase turnout in an electorate by almost 4%. Take five minutes to: identify where you will vote; determine when you will vote (day/time); plan for how you will get to the polls; and select those (especially down-ballot) races on the ballot that you might have to research more before heading to the polls.

After researching the races for each elected office, is there a candidate that you feel passionate about supporting outside of giving them your vote? Search for more information about the candidate to see if you can: donate, canvass, poll greet, or make calls to other potential voters.

Identify at least 3 other individuals you know who should go through these five steps. This will help to ensure that we have an epic turnout during the primary and in the general election as well.



Stand against racism and voter intimidation:
This past weekend, a group of racist protesters gathered outside of the Chatham County Agricultural & Conference Center in Pittsboro. This group sought to assert itself by: waving Confederate flags, yelling “Trump 2020”, and shouting racial slurs. Not only was their racism disruptive to an event that sought to unpack the symbolism of Confederate monuments, it was also at a polling place, which raises concerns of voter intimidation. Please take a moment to reaffirm your commitment to anti-racism by emailing the Chatham County Sheriff.


Hello, as you are likely aware, a group of protesters gathered outside the Chatham County Agricultural & Conference Center this past weekend. Using racial slurs and Confederate flags, this group created an unsafe atmosphere for participants inside the Conference Center and those wishing to vote at this polling place. Please reaffirm your commitment to creating a Chatham County grounded in safety and inclusion, and additionally, please denounce the racist actions taken by groups such as this one. Thank you for your time.

Email address for Chatham County Sheriff:

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